Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
This Humanity Is in Danger! Creation Is Undergoing a Great Change
Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 8, 2024

I am the Immaculate Conception. is the hour of the great apostasy, God's people are moving further and further away from Him.
Beloved children, by Divine will I come to your rescue, let me take you by the hand, I will help you to cross this valley of tears.
Beloved children, only in God is your salvation, He ardently desires to fill you with Himself, with His infinite Good, do not stay far from Him, do not be dazzled by the lights of this world that will soon be extinguished, yearn instead for the true Light, the one that will never be extinguished.
The earth is moving!
This Humanity is in danger!
Glaciers are melting, many lands will be submerged by water.
The sun is at its strongest deflagrations, powerful flames are heading for Earth.
Volcanoes erupt in unison!
Torrential rains!
Stardust will fall from the sky!
A purifying fire will come!
Disasters follow one after another all over the earth,but man remains indifferent,he is distracted, deaf and blind, he does not listen to the calls of his Creator.
Beloved children, you are marking your doom, your estrangement from the Creator will be your doom.
Creation is undergoing a great change, nothing will remain of what you know today.
A new Earth will come, the new Eden promised by God for His children! A lush garden with green meadows, clear waters and delicious fruit, nothing will be lacking for the new people faithful to Him, in His grace they will prosper and be happy.
A new dynasty will grow virginal in God, it will know everything that belongs to Him because it will enter into His Divinity.
Come on, faithful children, your day has come to be victorious in God, He is waiting for your return to make great celebration!
Prepare your hearts to sit at the Heavenly Banquet.
The clock is already striking 12 noon.
I thank you for listening to Me, welcome Me into your hearts.
I bless you, Mary, Mother of Jesus and yours.
Source: ➥